Why graphics is not the most important aspect of gaming!
Ok so you are probably wondering why I posted this on the front page of the site. How does this even relate to Rockman? The answer to that would be EVERYTHING. Seriously, to many gamers from this generation worry more about realistic graphics and less on if the game is actually fun. When all is said and done, why do we play games? To ultimately have fun; to enjoy them. People can argue about which aspect of video games make them fun. Is it the story, the game play, the graphics, the characters, but ultimately it comes down to did you enjoy the game, did you have fun. I grew up with games that were on the Atari ST and the NES, games like Time Bandits, Gauntlet, and Rockman.
Back in the 80's video game creators were limited by not only the amount of data a cartridge could hold, but with the color palette map. Games like Rockman were built on an 8-bit graphics architecture which meant that it was limited to only showing the maximum of 256 colors at one time. This limited the amount of detail game creators could give their game so they had to be creative with expressing just how this world would look like. This also meant that making the game fun to play was a big part of game development. Obviously as the years have gone by the graphics capability of the computer hardware we are using has improved. We are no longer limited to 256 colors at a single time on screen and game artists and creators have more freedom with how they express how their world interacts and looks like.
So how does all of that relate to Rockman? Well with Mega Man Legends 3 possibly on the horizon (The game has yet to be given the green light to go into full development) it is important for people to understand that graphics and realism are not what make a game fun and enjoyable. I have no doubt from what I have seen that Mega Man Legends 3 will look really nice on the Nintendo 3DS, but I wouldn't judge a game based on its graphics alone like many of the younger generation of games do.
Hmm... lets see if I can explain this another way. Playing video games is just like playing a board game, card game, or even playing a game outside with your friends. You do all of them for your own enjoyment. You don't see people playing Monopoly or Hide-N-Seek because they were so realistic that playing Monopoly helped them become a rich millionaire or that playing Hide-N-Seek helped them at finding things or people. People play Monopoly and Hide-N-Seek because they are fun. Ok, so you are probably saying "Well those are all games you play with other people and not just by yourself", well you would be correct. But people also play games like Solitaire because they are fun, challenging and pass the time. I see a lot of reviews and younger gamers complain about graphics in video games today and the only thing that comes to my mind is "Seriously? Unless the graphics are hurting your eyes to look at shut up and stop complaining". If games were all about graphics, we wouldn't not have games like 98Koshien which has become an internet hit.
Short version:
Watch this video by Extra Credits on Graphics vs Aesthetics.
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/ ... Aesthetics
XHunter - San wa iranai!
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