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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - Good times, Roll.
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Good times, Roll.

Postby matt13346 » Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:11 pm

**NewEdge Productions** SheMusic Collab (?%) // Princess Tutu - Reaturn to Heart Station (20% Complete)
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Postby xmagic » Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:24 pm

Yeah...Matt13346, you should know...you're the one that got me into Haruhi in the first place, with the intro for Archetype. That's an amazing AMV, by the way. ^.^
<a href="http://www.mormon.org">The Lord lives, and guides His children today.</a>

<img src="http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff66/kaelenmitharos/xmagicreqst1.jpg" border="0"></a>
This sig made by the lovely and talented <a href="http://www.rockmanamv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=234&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0">Lady XZ</a>.
Read <a href="http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3919699/33/Zero_Diamond_Earth">the epilogue</a> and let your voice be heard.
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Postby matt13346 » Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:53 pm

**NewEdge Productions** SheMusic Collab (?%) // Princess Tutu - Reaturn to Heart Station (20% Complete)
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Postby DarkShadowSoul » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:06 pm


Koreri! Kimeru!.....Kaiser Delta BREAKER!!
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Postby Tri-Kun » Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:05 pm

lol so we have quite a few fanatics here XD

Haruhi Fanatic: Tri-kun
Yuki Fanatic: Lok
Kyon's Sis Fanatic (O.o): AGF-Antione
Ryoko Fanatic: xmagic
Mikuru Fanatic: grandbahamut

@grandbahaut- lol Haruhi's Craziness is why i like her soooooo much XD she is a lot like myself XD at my school one of my nicknames is Haruhi -_-; i got it for my Haruhi like craziness XD and plus ican sing Bouken Desho Desho =P XD

hhaha yea well i don't do the things Haruhi does to Mikuru haha i don't have that kind of nerve XD it's cool you learned about SHnY Through an AMV lol i myself learned of it through Skittles (The AMV not the snack XD) and it inspired me to make my own amv =P
If anyone does notice this then know I'll be back. Soon or later with a Surprise :).
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Postby Daisy_Dyme » Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:07 pm

Ow! Ow! I have a question....!!
Can you create a blackhole to call upon the god of ebilll Forte :twisted:

And btw, hello and welcome to the forum. I'm Daisy ^.^
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Postby xmagic » Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:58 pm

<a href="http://www.mormon.org">The Lord lives, and guides His children today.</a>

<img src="http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff66/kaelenmitharos/xmagicreqst1.jpg" border="0"></a>
This sig made by the lovely and talented <a href="http://www.rockmanamv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=234&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0">Lady XZ</a>.
Read <a href="http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3919699/33/Zero_Diamond_Earth">the epilogue</a> and let your voice be heard.
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