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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - My Farewell.
You can introduce yourself in any way you want, and bid farewell in this area. Go ahead! be yourself!

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My Farewell.

My Farewell.

Postby Weapon of Light » Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:37 am

It is with somewhat regret, that I announce today, I, Weapon of Light will be leaving you all... for good. It's just time that I moved on. I know this place will get along just fine without me. So because of me leaving, I have prepared three AMV's. These AMV's were the last creations as "Zerowing87"

Sonic X - SuperSonic

Gundam SEED Destiny - Bombshell

Rockman - Spirit Never Dies

These are, as you put it "swan" songs for me I suppose.

Some of you may be taking notice of my banner. In case anyone is wondering, it means that I have already started writing a third Rockman ZW fanfic. I enjoyed the first two so much, I really wanted to write another. This one follows the new Black Rockman. But the story will start out different than anyone expects.

The face image where it says "Light" is a image of what I picture Model ZW to look like. The silverish color around its head is the small scarf. Where the character shows up when it says "Hope" is actually Setsuna from the new Gundam 00 Anime. When I first watched the new Gundam Anime, I freaked out. Mainly because Setsuna looked EXACTLY like I pictured the new Alister to look like. I had already been planning on the third story long before seeing anything on the new Gundam Anime, so I just used his image for the banner. The only difference is the new Alister does not wear those clothes...

Anyways, I'll post the third story when I'm finished with it, or I will ask GunnerEXE to do so. Either way, I'm sure not a soul will comment on it.

This is kind of a long farewell, but I wanted to make it count. If I was to make any last requests, it would be to give my Admin powers to one of the Mods here at the AMV Station. Someone more deserving than myself.


Maybe I will see some of you on the recieving end of my attacks in Smash Bros Brawl, as I am very hard to beat at Melee. You'll know it was me, because I will be using Sonic most of the time. Look for Weapon of Light. Goodbye, and God bless.
Last edited by Weapon of Light on Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby GunnerEXE » Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:45 am

Well I guess goodbye man I wonder why you leave yet I know there is reasons behind it I cannot really complain about Goodbye man sucks too see ya leave the forums :(
Who The Hell Do you Think I am!!!
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Postby KingForte » Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:50 am

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Postby ChaosEdge » Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:46 pm

**NewEdge Productions**
FLCL - Trickster (30%)
Upcoming: Death Note - War, Lucky Star - LSI
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Postby XHunter » Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:05 pm

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Postby DarkShadowSoul » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:33 pm


Koreri! Kimeru!.....Kaiser Delta BREAKER!!
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