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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - Hello, all.
You can introduce yourself in any way you want, and bid farewell in this area. Go ahead! be yourself!

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Hello, all.

Hello, all.

Postby Goten X » Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:36 pm

Hey there. I'm Goten X, owner of Rockman Remix (former owner of X Unit 17 HQ), and I think I will enjoy my stay at this forum.

I'm into all kinds of music, and I write/arrange my own even. I mostly do video game music (and on top of that, most of it is Mega Man related), but I do want to start my own, original stuff soon.

This site has grew alot from what I remember seeing it as a long while ago. I'm glad to say that, too.

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Postby BattleReady22 » Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:49 pm

heya! glad to see yah here, you also from mmn right?
So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3


"When you have eyes looking back, you can see
only where you've come from and left behind.
People can't move on living like that.
But since they are in front, we can inch closer to that horizon.
That's why we go on."
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Postby DarkShadowSoul » Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:55 pm

Hello and Welcome to the MegaMan AMV Station. I'm DarkShadowSoul(call me DSS or SS). Have fun here at the AMV Station.

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Postby Goten X » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:00 pm

Yes, I'm also at the MMNC, as well as some other fine MM and VG music places. Thanks for the welcomes. :)
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Postby zero maverick » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:17 pm

Welcome Goten X to this forum
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Postby XHunter » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:55 pm

Welcome to the forum Goten X, Its been awhile since I last saw you. So I hope you enjoy your stay here.
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Postby AGF-Antoine » Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:27 am

Welcome, I'm AGF-Antoine
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Postby Lok » Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:19 am

WElcome to the RAMV. Just call me Lok 8)

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Postby Goten X » Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:33 am

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Postby Weapon of Light » Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:56 pm

I have a lot of catching up to do with welcoming... so welcome and very cool Avatar.

So make sure to obey the rules.
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