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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - Mega Man ZX Advent Released!
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Mega Man ZX Advent Released!

Mega Man ZX Advent Released!

Postby XHunter » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:25 pm

Today Capcom started to ship out the North American version of Mega Man ZX Advent. The game should be available in stores tomorrow at the retail price of $29.99 USD. Mega Man ZX Advent has full voice acting and several multiplayer features and from my experience from playing the Japanese version, its a extremely fun game to play. As soon as I get enough money to get my hands on a copy of this game, I'll be writing a review and sharing some videos from the game to show everyone how the English voice acting sounds, also to see if anything was removed from the North American release of the game.
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Postby BattleReady22 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:27 pm

wow, what a great report. :|
So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3


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Postby matt13346 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:29 pm

Lol, I'm confused... Didn't Br22 already post this?

Anyway...Wi-fi confirmed?
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Postby XHunter » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:30 pm

He did, but Mod's aren't allowed to post news topics. That and I he previously written on up but didn't have time to post it until I got back home. In short, my bad for not telling that mods they couldn't do it and for not telling BR I was going to delete his topic.

*stands in corner and waits for this punishment T_T*
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Postby BattleReady22 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:32 pm

*sigh* whatever man. i saw tayioh post his comic, so i was all excited and stuff for posting something nobody had yet.. fantastic day. anyways , yeah, cool wifi
So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3


"When you have eyes looking back, you can see
only where you've come from and left behind.
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Postby XHunter » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:37 pm

Well I'll explain it all in the Staff Area, but its my fault for not explaining it earlier. (smacks self) Don't worry you didn't do anything wrong, that would have been me. Anyway, back on topic. I can't wait to play Mega Man ZX Advent. The voices sounds good from what I've heard.
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Postby matt13346 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:40 pm

um.... so is there really wifi in the NA version?
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Postby XHunter » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:42 pm

No, Wi-fi isn't in Mega Man ZX Advent. It wasn't in the Japanese version so why would it be in the English. But if it was, that would be freak'en sweat !
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Postby matt13346 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:34 pm

**NewEdge Productions** SheMusic Collab (?%) // Princess Tutu - Reaturn to Heart Station (20% Complete)
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Postby XHunter » Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:26 pm

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Postby BattleReady22 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:39 pm

So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3


"When you have eyes looking back, you can see
only where you've come from and left behind.
People can't move on living like that.
But since they are in front, we can inch closer to that horizon.
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Postby ThunderBerserker » Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:31 pm

I have to wait until Saturday to buy ZXA because it isn't in Quebec yet... (OMG, I CAN'T WAIT ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ )
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Postby AGF-Antoine » Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:54 am

Ok, time to order the sequel to my favorite Rockman game of all time ^.^

It will take 2 more weeks to get here and I will pay the Canadian price, but its worth it 8)

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Postby Anime Master ZERO » Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:36 am

Actually AGF, the Canadian dollar is now slightly higher in value than the American dollar (not by much, though), so pricing will be on par.
Take a moment from your day to give your local angst-ridden orphan boy a hug. Preferably before he goes power-hungry and psychotic.
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Postby BattleReady22 » Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:29 pm

UG i dont know if it is avalable at my gamestop yet im gunna go see later tonight, but it says no units in stock but it says "thier or on the way" it says yes o-o
So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3


"When you have eyes looking back, you can see
only where you've come from and left behind.
People can't move on living like that.
But since they are in front, we can inch closer to that horizon.
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