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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - HAM a.k.a. (Amateur Radio)
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HAM a.k.a. (Amateur Radio)

HAM a.k.a. (Amateur Radio)

Postby Silvershard » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:01 am

I thought I might ask if anyone here has ever heard of a HAM radio operator? If so I am curious who here is a ham, and what their callsign is.
I don't mind telling everyone mine, in fact I'll add the link to my name in the QRZ database. http://www.qrz.com/db/ (type in my callsign below)

My callsign is KB3LFE (Kilo Alpha Three Lima Foxtrot Echo), I am a Technician class operator and got my license on May 25, 2004.

I'll add a picture of my handheld in a in 1-3 days.

I'm sure viewers here will have questions about this topic so feel free to ask.
Jack In! Silvershard! Transmission!
Current Noise: Ophiuchus Noise
BrotherBand code: 4941-3429-1828

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Postby grandbahamut » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:07 pm

Thanks for the Sig, Lys! =D
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Postby Silvershard » Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:05 am

Jack In! Silvershard! Transmission!
Current Noise: Ophiuchus Noise
BrotherBand code: 4941-3429-1828

Monster (co-creater with Tiaga) 4%
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Postby Lexica-chan » Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:46 pm

O.o I didn't know anyone else existed.

I, too, am a radio operator.... though I'm choosing to withhold my call letters, for the simple reason of that a simple Google search pulls up a RL name, and I'm quite paranoid. ;)

I got my license back in 1995, at the ripe age of 10. ;) In the past 14-ish years, I've not upgraded past the Technician stage myself. In part because further levels required passing Morse Code, which I still haven't got ironed out. Though as I understand, that requirement is no longer required.

I'll admit, too, I've not been on the air. Partly because I don't have the equipment, and in part because my interests lie more with the compy. Now, if I could set up to do RTTY, then that'd be fun. *^_^*

<Takes a moment to look myself up on QRZ.... yep, there I am, tee hee hee>
"In the beginning there was darkness and void. And then
The Encoder said 'BlankClip(color=$FFFFFF)' and there was
light. The Encoder looked upon the light and saw that it
was good, for it was RGB32."

(although there has been some debate over the Encoder's
choice of container, since Life doesn't support any form
of rewinding.)

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Postby systemkrash » Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:36 pm

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Postby Silvershard » Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:43 pm

Jack In! Silvershard! Transmission!
Current Noise: Ophiuchus Noise
BrotherBand code: 4941-3429-1828

Monster (co-creater with Tiaga) 4%
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Postby Lexica-chan » Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:46 pm

Speaking of Morse code...

As it turns out, I actually came across a Morse trainer program which is kinda cute. (It actually spawned from a conversation I had with GB a while ago on portable software and stuff, where I was saying I was making kanji flashcards, and he told me about a hiragana/katakana flashcard program to practice with. Mind you, that was Linux, but a few lookups came up with something. And after that, the attention turned to other tests I should pass.... and it came up.)

If you want to look it up, it's called the . Once you get the program and install/extract and run it, you get a simple window.... click the button in the corner, and you start hearing Morse code. The goal then is to type in the corresponding letter. If you get it wrong or take too long, you'll get the same letter again, and in the case of waiting, it'll tell you what the correct letter is. :)

I've run it a few times myself, and I was getting pretty good after just a few short runs. And it's not going at a wimpy speed, either.... slowest speed you get via the slider is 20wpm. ;)
"In the beginning there was darkness and void. And then
The Encoder said 'BlankClip(color=$FFFFFF)' and there was
light. The Encoder looked upon the light and saw that it
was good, for it was RGB32."

(although there has been some debate over the Encoder's
choice of container, since Life doesn't support any form
of rewinding.)

--The Darkhold Accord
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