From Anime, the word used for Japanese Animation, Manga, the osed for Comics, Games, videogames. And everything that involves into the eternal realm of quality entertainment.
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by Silvershard » Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:27 pm
Now taking place where life first originated, is where life will end! It's Resident Evil 5!!! After several years CAPCOM brings us yet another chaper in the whole saga. I haven't beaten it yet cause I go to my friends house to play it. But I know this, THE GAME IS AWESOME!!! 6 out of 5 (not mathmaticly accurate but who gives a darn!) I think that the whole co-op gameplay makes the game amazing, and the plot/location is perfect! What's your take on the game! Chat about what you think of CAPCOM's most recent game or about it's predessors.
Jack In! Silvershard! Transmission!
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by XHunter » Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:10 am

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by KingForte » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:37 am
It wasnt amazing in terms of a Resident Evil game. But as a stand alone game it was great I give it a 4.5/5, the co op can make it the game either breezy or unplayable. you NEED to be able to communicate with your partner. if anyone on the 360 version still needs to beat it on Proffesional let me know. because I do too :P
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