From Anime, the word used for Japanese Animation, Manga, the osed for Comics, Games, videogames. And everything that involves into the eternal realm of quality entertainment.

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Which "Next Gen" Console would you rather have?

Poll ended at Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:35 am

The Nintendo Wii
Microsoft's X-Box360
Sony's Playstation 3 (Ps3)
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Total votes : 17

The Ps3 vs the Xbox360 vs the Wii

Postby MegaRanger » Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:12 pm

the Wii Cause the games are fun,it so easy your mom can pick it up right away and ps3 was a bunch of big lies,they say that you would be play the old ps1 game but they say some games would be playable on the ps3 not all,and the price !!WOW!! I can buy two Wii with that price.
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You Got, New Pants!
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Postby warock » Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:37 am

yes the wii is really good and it is a hole new type gaming.
but i have a x-box 360 and that one is also very good. but the ps-3 is more like a rip of from the other two only with better games and graphics
i am warock hear me roar
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You Got, New Pants!
You Got, New Pants!
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