Shooting Star Rockman also known as Ryuusei no Rockman or Mega Man Star Force, Is the sequel to the Rockman EXE series. This series takes place hundreds of years after the EXE series and follows the adventures of a young kid named Subaru who encounters an alien named War-Rock who fuse to become Rockman.

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Boss Battle Videos For RNR3 *SPOILERS*

Boss Battle Videos For RNR3 *SPOILERS*

Postby BattleReady22 » Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:47 pm

I thought somone may like this, because i know i would

i decided to hyper cam the boss battles if anyone wanted to see them.
so uh
here we goooo

(also, i will be getting my copy of red joker in the next two weeks. so hit me up for a brother band)



Dia Ice Burn:

Club Strong:

Jack Corvis (demo battle):

More to come
So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3

"When you have eyes looking back, you can see
only where you've come from and left behind.
People can't move on living like that.
But since they are in front, we can inch closer to that horizon.
That's why we go on."
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Comrades Forever
Comrades Forever
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Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:05 pm
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