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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - S91-His World- Finished *Spoilers*
This is where users can post their latest anime music videos they are working on or have recently created. This section is used for anime music videos that are not themed around the Rockman series.

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S91-His World- Finished *Spoilers*

S91-His World- Finished *Spoilers*

Postby S91 » Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:23 pm

Name: Naruto- His World
Song: His World
Artist: Crush40
Anime: Naruto
Spoilers: Yes
Finished: Yes

Naruto Shippuuden episodes 2-5, 13-15
Naruto episodes- 128-134[/url]
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Postby AxcX » Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:38 pm

none so far... dropped all the previous ones
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Postby S91 » Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:41 pm

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Postby intelligent huan » Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:34 am

erm.... some of your AMV parts r really out of syncro, especially the chorus part of the song. In my opinion, the chorus part should be such as "climax" of an AMV.
About the sync, the scenes just change in sudden. Changing the scenes by sync with the beat or the song would be nicer. One more thing, it is better has no subtitle.

Thats all for my opinion, I cannot tell much because I m not good too. By the way, u can learn a lot in this forum.
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Postby OMEGA » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:21 am

wow how come I haven't heard this song from Crush 40? O.o

anyway to the AMV, the synch that off, its just that there wasn't enough, you could have used more change of scenes or fades as AxcX said to synch more. I liked your story telling, even if it is an overused concept it really was well executed, and shippuden indeed helped, though there wasn't a solid conection (like Shippuden could have been the present and the other clips the past [with a black & white effect or old film effect]), anyway I liked it, work in your synch and I'm sure the next one will be awesome ^.^

oh yeah subs = :( (they really distract a lot, you can ask people here to crop your AMV if you want :) )

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Postby S91 » Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:48 pm

Thank you Taiyoh!
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