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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - RAMV SSBB Tourney, Shutting DOWN
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RAMV SSBB Tourney, Shutting DOWN

RAMV SSBB Tourney, Shutting DOWN

Postby matt13346 » Mon May 05, 2008 9:19 pm

When SSBB was first coming out, we all were excited. We would all talk about how we could organize matches within RAMV and such. We haven't been doing that at all, sadly enough.

SO!! I ran an idea about hosting a RAMV SSBB tourney past KF a couple of times and he and I thought it would be a good idea.

So, with KF's help, I'll be hosting my very own SSBB Tournament, right here for all RAMV members that want to join, with the exception of my friend Edison and KF's friend, Michi.

After joining and such, matches will be randomly paired by me. You and your opponent have up to 2 weeks to organize time to face each other (Hopefully they'll be done sooner then that). After the match is over and done with, you will post here who was the winner and when all the first matches are the, the second branch will be made accordingly. All matches will be done as "1 vs 1's"

Don't know as of yet...

Match Rules:
1 vs 1
NO items
Neutral Stages (i.e: Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville, etc.)
3 stock
Best out of 3

Switching and Disconnection:
Characters may be switched between matches. If you are to be D/c'd, just reconnect and continue the matches. You must use the character you used last time be being Disconnected and the previous scores must be carried on. (Such as, if you won 1 match previous to the D/c, then you have 1 win under your belt still)

If you wish to join, please post as accordingly...

RAMV name (SSBB Name)
Availability (When you're available)
Any Screen names you may have, to make communication easier.

Matt13346 (Lunar)
Fc: 2105 8365 4293
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(After 8pm), Saturday (After 6pm Est. Time) Tuesday (after 2:30pm) and Sunday (All day)
Aim: Havocblader89, or Havoc13346. Yahoo: Chaosedge1489. MSN: Havocblader89@yahoo.com

You may also PM each other to plan the matches, if all else fails (With the exception of my Friend and KF's friend, we will inform them when they have to play.)

Contestants (Thus Far) :

1.Matt13346 (Lunar)
Fc: 2105 8365 4293
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(After 8pm), Saturday (After 6pm Est. Time) Tuesday (after 2:30pm) and Sunday (All day)
Aim: Havocblader89, or Havoc13346. Yahoo: Chaosedge1489. MSN: Havocblader89@yahoo.com


2. Edison (SILVR)
(Same info as Matt13346, as well as fc)


3. Michi
Fc: 1805-1938-8891
Weekdays after 3:30 PM and always free on weekends
AIM: KuraiMichi


4. KF
FC: 2449 4279 2480
Weekdays after after 6:30 PM Tuesdays after 9:30 PM and weekends may vary
AIM: TheKingMizuki MSN: King.Forte@hotmail.com


5 .XHunter (Tilt)
Fc: 3609-0694-4628
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(Before 6pm), Saturday (Before 4pm Central Time) and Sunday (All day every other Sunday)
Aim: XHunter017 (AIM) amvstation@hotmail.com (MSN)


6. Digitalism (Dtlsm)
Fc: 5026-4102-1854
Weekdays after 5:00 pm, Saturday anytime, Sunday after 3:00 pm
Aim: Digitalism2, Msn: Digitalism2@hotmail.com


7. Gemini (Jim)
Fc: 5370-0137-3456
Time: Friday 8:00 PM EST (Subject to change)


FC: 2707-1269-0613
Saturdays and Sundays (time unknown, since it all depends on different things)


Come on people, I'm at least trying to get 10 people for this. Please don't join if you won't be able to play to, or have a unsure schedule.

ALso, I'll soon be posting the end date for sign ups, so make sure to join.
Last edited by matt13346 on Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:30 am, edited 30 times in total.
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Postby XHunter » Mon May 05, 2008 10:17 pm

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Postby matt13346 » Mon May 05, 2008 10:23 pm

Contestants (Thus Far) :

1.Matt13346 (Lunar)
Fc: 2105 8365 4293
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(After 8pm), Saturday (After 6pm Est. Time) Tuesday (after 2:30pm) and Sunday (All day)
Aim: Havocblader89, or Havoc13346. Yahoo: Chaosedge1489. MSN: Havocblader89@yahoo.com


2. Edison (SILVR)
(Same info as Matt13346, as well as fc)


3. Michi
Fc: 1805-1938-8891
Weekdays after 3:30 PM and always free on weekends
AIM: KuraiMichi


4. KF
FC: 2449 4279 2480
Weekdays after after 6:30 PM Tuesdays after 9:30 PM and weekends may vary
AIM: TheKingMizuki MSN: King.Forte@hotmail.com


5. Cinos (Solar)
(Info to be filled out by Cinos18702)


6 .XHunter (Tilt)
Fc: 3609-0694-4628
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(Before 6pm), Saturday (Before 4pm Central Time) and Sunday (All day every other Sunday)
Aim: XHunter017 (AIM) amvstation@hotmail.com (MSN)
Last edited by matt13346 on Tue May 06, 2008 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Digitalism » Tue May 06, 2008 2:50 am

Sounds good,

Digitalism (Dtlsm)
Fc: 5026-4102-1854
Weekdays after 5:00 pm, Saturday anytime, Sunday after 3:00 pm
Aim: Digitalism2, Msn: Digitalism2@hotmail.com
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Postby ChaosEdge » Tue May 06, 2008 5:04 am

I would like to join matt..but I uhh...kinda require to go to your house to play XD...

would that be possible for me to join?
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Postby matt13346 » Tue May 06, 2008 1:54 pm

Contestants (Thus Far) :

1.Matt13346 (Lunar)
Fc: 2105 8365 4293
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(After 8pm), Saturday (After 6pm Est. Time) Tuesday (after 2:30pm) and Sunday (All day)
Aim: Havocblader89, or Havoc13346. Yahoo: Chaosedge1489. MSN: Havocblader89@yahoo.com


2. Edison (SILVR)
(Same info as Matt13346, as well as fc)


3. Michi
Fc: 1805-1938-8891
Weekdays after 3:30 PM and always free on weekends
AIM: KuraiMichi


4. KF
FC: 2449 4279 2480
Weekdays after after 6:30 PM Tuesdays after 9:30 PM and weekends may vary
AIM: TheKingMizuki MSN: King.Forte@hotmail.com


5. Cinos (Solar)
(Info to be filled out by Cinos18702)


6 .XHunter (Tilt)
Fc: 3609-0694-4628
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(Before 6pm), Saturday (Before 4pm Central Time) and Sunday (All day every other Sunday)
Aim: XHunter017 (AIM) amvstation@hotmail.com (MSN)


7. Digitalism (Dtlsm)
Fc: 5026-4102-1854
Weekdays after 5:00 pm, Saturday anytime, Sunday after 3:00 pm
Aim: Digitalism2, Msn: Digitalism2@hotmail.com


@ Jeremy: I'm not entirely sure, since you'll have to be here, and I can't pick you up and I got work -_- Too much trouble for such a small tournament.


The last day to sign up for the Tourney will be Friday, May 9th. If anyone plans to join but needs a bit more time, please let me know.
Last edited by matt13346 on Tue May 06, 2008 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby ChaosEdge » Tue May 06, 2008 2:50 pm

Ahhhh I wanted to deal some damage as "Chaos" too....maybe next time XD...

Well one more question...any restrictions on characters like for example: you can only stick with one character throughout the whole tourney? Or can you switch them up every round?
Last edited by ChaosEdge on Tue May 06, 2008 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby matt13346 » Tue May 06, 2008 2:58 pm

To answer your question Jeremy....you may switch characters during matches. It's only fair and it gives the challengers more of a choice. Plus, many people usually use their main anyway, so I don't see that to be any problem.

Rules about switching characters and Disconnection have been added to the first post.
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Postby matt13346 » Wed May 07, 2008 1:48 pm


I'll be extending the sign-up period from Friday, May 9th to Monday, May 12th, due to the small number of entries and the fact that maybe some people have a hard time getting to a computer to see this, due to school and such, so waiting after the weekend is our best bet.

1800th Post baby!!!
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Postby Gemini » Wed May 07, 2008 4:12 pm

Name: Gemini (Jim)
Fc: 5370-0137-3456
Time: Friday 8:00 PM EST (Subject to change)
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Postby matt13346 » Wed May 07, 2008 5:12 pm

Contestants (Thus Far) :

1.Matt13346 (Lunar)
Fc: 2105 8365 4293
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(After 8pm), Saturday (After 6pm Est. Time) Tuesday (after 2:30pm) and Sunday (All day)
Aim: Havocblader89, or Havoc13346. Yahoo: Chaosedge1489. MSN: Havocblader89@yahoo.com


2. Edison (SILVR)
(Same info as Matt13346, as well as fc)


3. Michi
Fc: 1805-1938-8891
Weekdays after 3:30 PM and always free on weekends
AIM: KuraiMichi


4. KF
FC: 2449 4279 2480
Weekdays after after 6:30 PM Tuesdays after 9:30 PM and weekends may vary
AIM: TheKingMizuki MSN: King.Forte@hotmail.com


5. Cinos (Solar)
(Info to be filled out by Cinos18702)


6 .XHunter (Tilt)
Fc: 3609-0694-4628
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(Before 6pm), Saturday (Before 4pm Central Time) and Sunday (All day every other Sunday)
Aim: XHunter017 (AIM) amvstation@hotmail.com (MSN)


7. Digitalism (Dtlsm)
Fc: 5026-4102-1854
Weekdays after 5:00 pm, Saturday anytime, Sunday after 3:00 pm
Aim: Digitalism2, Msn: Digitalism2@hotmail.com


8. Gemini (Jim)
Fc: 5370-0137-3456
Time: Friday 8:00 PM EST (Subject to change)

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Postby OMEGA » Sat May 10, 2008 12:10 am

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Postby matt13346 » Sat May 10, 2008 12:57 am

Contestants (Thus Far) :

1.Matt13346 (Lunar)
Fc: 2105 8365 4293
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(After 8pm), Saturday (After 6pm Est. Time) Tuesday (after 2:30pm) and Sunday (All day)
Aim: Havocblader89, or Havoc13346. Yahoo: Chaosedge1489. MSN: Havocblader89@yahoo.com

2. Edison (SILVR)
(Same info as Matt13346, as well as fc)


3. Michi
Fc: 1805-1938-8891
Weekdays after 3:30 PM and always free on weekends
AIM: KuraiMichi


4. KF
FC: 2449 4279 2480
Weekdays after after 6:30 PM Tuesdays after 9:30 PM and weekends may vary
AIM: TheKingMizuki MSN: King.Forte@hotmail.com


5 .XHunter (Tilt)
Fc: 3609-0694-4628
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(Before 6pm), Saturday (Before 4pm Central Time) and Sunday (All day every other Sunday)
Aim: XHunter017 (AIM) amvstation@hotmail.com (MSN)


6. Digitalism (Dtlsm)
Fc: 5026-4102-1854
Weekdays after 5:00 pm, Saturday anytime, Sunday after 3:00 pm
Aim: Digitalism2, Msn: Digitalism2@hotmail.com


7. Gemini (Jim)
Fc: 5370-0137-3456
Time: Friday 8:00 PM EST (Subject to change)


FC: 2707-1269-0613
Saturdays and Sundays (time unknown, since it all depends on different things)


Thanks for joining Omega....Also, by request I may further the due date for entries.
Last edited by matt13346 on Sun May 11, 2008 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby matt13346 » Sun May 11, 2008 6:41 pm

Tomorrow, Monday, May 12th is the due date for all Entries! If you haven't signed up yet, make sure to do so! Starting tomorrow, names will be randomly chosen to determine the first bracket of the Tourney.

Cinos will be taken out of the bracket due to failing to enter his info. So it's an even 8 person tournament.

Contestants (Final Roster):

1.Matt13346 (Lunar)
Fc: 2105 8365 4293
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(After 8pm), Saturday (After 6pm Est. Time) Tuesday (after 2:30pm) and Sunday (All day)
Aim: Havocblader89, or Havoc13346. Yahoo: Chaosedge1489. MSN: Havocblader89@yahoo.com


2. Edison (SILVR)
(Same info as Matt13346, as well as fc)


3. Michi
Fc: 1805-1938-8891
Weekdays after 3:30 PM and always free on weekends
AIM: KuraiMichi


4. KF
FC: 2449 4279 2480
Weekdays after after 6:30 PM Tuesdays after 9:30 PM and weekends may vary
AIM: TheKingMizuki MSN: King.Forte@hotmail.com


5 .XHunter (Tilt)
Fc: 3609-0694-4628
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday.(Before 6pm), Saturday (Before 4pm Central Time) and Sunday (All day every other Sunday)
Aim: XHunter017 (AIM) amvstation@hotmail.com (MSN)


6. Digitalism (Dtlsm)
Fc: 5026-4102-1854
Weekdays after 5:00 pm, Saturday anytime, Sunday after 3:00 pm
Aim: Digitalism2, Msn: Digitalism2@hotmail.com


7. Gemini (Jim)
Fc: 5370-0137-3456
Time: Friday 8:00 PM EST (Subject to change)


FC: 2707-1269-0613
Saturdays and Sundays (time unknown, since it all depends on different things)


Everyone who has joined should make sure to add the fc of those you haven't yet.
Last edited by matt13346 on Sun May 11, 2008 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby matt13346 » Sun May 11, 2008 11:54 pm

Well, the game is on. The matches were chosen at RANDOM, with a simple drawing of the hat.

Now with that said, here are the matches for the 1st RAMV SSBB Tourney:

Gemini (Jim) vs Matt13346 (Lunar)

XHunter (Tilt) vs Digitalism (Dtlsm)

Michi vs OMEGA

Edison (SILVR) vs Kingforte (KF)


A little small, but not bad for our first tourney. All your opponents contact info is posted throughout this topic. Make sure to get with your opponent and plan a time for your match. You got 2 weeks time to get your match done, hopefully it won't take that long and then we can move onto the semi-finals.

Make sure to report back here when all is done, so I know who won and so that we can start the semi-finals. Please have good sportsmanship and play nice.
Last edited by matt13346 on Mon May 12, 2008 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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