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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - The World Ends With ME? <---- Now that's a weird title.
From Anime, the word used for Japanese Animation, Manga, the osed for Comics, Games, videogames. And everything that involves into the eternal realm of quality entertainment.

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The World Ends With ME? <---- Now that's a weird title.

Postby Tri-Kun » Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:16 pm

TWEWY owns. end of story. :].

The OST Rocked. :O it's rare to find games with an OST with Lyrics :O
If anyone does notice this then know I'll be back. Soon or later with a Surprise :).
"You are the umbrella above my head. The cold rain falling above my shoulders in night. You next to me has become a habit. I cant be without you alone in the rain."
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Postby BattleReady22 » Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:15 pm

So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3


"When you have eyes looking back, you can see
only where you've come from and left behind.
People can't move on living like that.
But since they are in front, we can inch closer to that horizon.
That's why we go on."
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Postby matt13346 » Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:16 am

Well, I just beat the game and I must say that last boss battle was epic. At first i was getting my canned kicked until i figured out what I had to do. The story for this game was amazing too. This could easily be turned into an anime, or full Console game. I wonder how they would make the game play if it was for a major console (Wii most likely)

I found this game to be perfect. Near the end the story kinda progressed a bit faster, but it was still good. IMO, this game easily mirrors KH, or may be even better, especially the story.
**NewEdge Productions** SheMusic Collab (?%) // Princess Tutu - Reaturn to Heart Station (20% Complete)
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Postby BattleReady22 » Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:01 am

So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3


"When you have eyes looking back, you can see
only where you've come from and left behind.
People can't move on living like that.
But since they are in front, we can inch closer to that horizon.
That's why we go on."
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Postby SILVEI2 » Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:57 am

This sig was sponsored by Greiga Master and Sailor Silphymon**NewEdge Production**
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Postby matt13346 » Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:30 am

**NewEdge Productions** SheMusic Collab (?%) // Princess Tutu - Reaturn to Heart Station (20% Complete)
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Postby LanEvoXRacer » Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:35 am

Henshin! Wing form... Kamen Rider Advent!
BTW, just call me Michael or Lan.
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Postby SILVEI2 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:59 am

This sig was sponsored by Greiga Master and Sailor Silphymon**NewEdge Production**
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Postby matt13346 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:04 am

**NewEdge Productions** SheMusic Collab (?%) // Princess Tutu - Reaturn to Heart Station (20% Complete)
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Postby SILVEI2 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:11 am

This sig was sponsored by Greiga Master and Sailor Silphymon**NewEdge Production**
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Postby matt13346 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:15 am

**NewEdge Productions** SheMusic Collab (?%) // Princess Tutu - Reaturn to Heart Station (20% Complete)
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Postby BattleReady22 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:33 am

Yo Silver, thats completely uncalled for, you best start showing some respect to Matt, and any other member you decide to dish out unfair comments at. what a jerk card to be playing on a misfortune that just came to someone. I am counting that as a WARNING. so just chill out, k?, hey Matt, i know it ain't your fault, but lets get this back on topic, or we might have to lock it.

In Conclusion: Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how good or bad it may seem.

Does anyone know what the pin sets do? you know the ones where you need multiple to activate them? because i have right and brainy cat, i just need lefty.
So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3


"When you have eyes looking back, you can see
only where you've come from and left behind.
People can't move on living like that.
But since they are in front, we can inch closer to that horizon.
That's why we go on."
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Postby matt13346 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:40 am

Whoa whoa whoa...wait...There were "Pin Sets?" I must of missed that XD I gotta get the game again and try that out for myself. My friend keeps telling me to use the pin that requires you to scream into the mic, but warns me that it killed his sisters throat XD
**NewEdge Productions** SheMusic Collab (?%) // Princess Tutu - Reaturn to Heart Station (20% Complete)
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Postby BattleReady22 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:55 am


Haha, some pins say something along the lines of,
"alone it does nothing but when combined unleashes blah blah blah force and doom and stuff"

For example big bang and big crunch, work together, but do nothing alone, i have the pins righty cat, brainy cat, but im missing left cat. grr!

Yeah thiers alot that make you yell, its realy funn though
haha i just killed you noise!
So, relay for life is coming up, and I am driving to a friends college to participate, as my mom had cancer. I am also trying to collect funds to fight against cancer. If you want to help me, you can donate at the following link. Any bit is welcomed. Thank you all.. <3


"When you have eyes looking back, you can see
only where you've come from and left behind.
People can't move on living like that.
But since they are in front, we can inch closer to that horizon.
That's why we go on."
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Postby Daisy_Dyme » Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:36 am

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