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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - WARNING! Loss of connection to the site MUST READ.
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WARNING! Loss of connection to the site MUST READ.

WARNING! Loss of connection to the site MUST READ.

Postby XHunter » Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:39 pm

Ok, so ever since Friday night (Saturday morning around 1am my time) my ISP (SBC Yahoo) has been blocking my access to sites. Of course when this all took place I was doing my Math Homework and the site my computer was connected to was blocked. We didn't lose internet access because I could still play Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft online, I could also still access the SBC Yahoo Homepage and Google.com. Hours after this happened I go access back to several of my sites, but I had trouble accessing this site (Rockmanamv.com). I thought that maybe my site had been suspended so I checked out the powweb site and I still has access tot he OPS control panel.

So I went to bed and when I woke up in the morning I had access to my site, which is why I was able to comment on some of your post. I didn't think much of the "Network Timed Out" error I was getting before and just suspected that my ISP was having problems connecting to powweb.

So I get back home last night and suddenly I can't access the site anymore. I contact a few people on my AIM / MSN list and asked them if the site was running slow or if they has access to it. They said the site was running fine and they had a good connection speed to it. So now I'm starting to panic and try to figure out what is was on our end that could be causing it.

After losing internet connection again today in the middle of me taking a test (Which you can only take once) I decided to call my internet service provider and ask whats going on (BTW I didn't close my test window and waited for the internet to come back online so I can finish the test) of course the internet came back on while I was talking them so I decide to stop the call and get back to finishing my test.

After taking the test, I still couldn't access my website so I decided to call SBC Yahoo tech support to see what was going on. The first guy we talked to said "It appears that we are blocking your access to www.rockmanamv.com because of a high amount of traffic that site is getting and we suspect that you are doing illegal activities there."

I explained to them that I OWN THE WEBSITE so why wouldn't there be a lot of download / upload traffic there. As soon as I said "Net Neutrality" the tech I was talking to gave me to someone else who told me that my site wasn't being blocked and that it was a problem on my end.

Well I decided to play along with them and I took some advice from Genericnumber1 and I changed my DNS address to see if that was problem. I then disabled my Firewalla and Anti-Virus to see if that was the problem (I knew it wasn't but I played along with the retarded puppy anyway) Genericnumber1 said that it might be my router freaking out or something (You never know) so I decide to connect myself directly into the DSL modem and still I couldn't access my site. I could access every other site, but not mine.

So we already routed out all the problems that it could have been so we (Me, My brother, and my Father) told them that either they need to fix their remote server or unblock us because obviously it wasn't a problem on our end. The tech said that there was nothing he could do so we explained to them that he should start looking for a job soon because we were going to sue them. He replied with "What!" and then we ended the conversation with "Good day sir, we will be seeing you in court". Now this wasn't a fake threat, we were actually going to sue them. About 45 seconds later after the phone call ended, I magically gained access to the website again, and at speeds I have not seen in a long time. I wonder what could have caused the site to magically appear again? Cough* Cough*

I still plan on going after them because what they did was illegal and they could be doing the same to other people as well. The reason I'm telling you all this is because if I suddenly lose access to the site again when obviously its not suspended and powweb is not blocking me, you'll know why.

Note: Read more about net neutrality here and make the internet a free place to roam.

P.S THIS WHOLE THING PISSES ME OFF. For now I still have access to the site, but for how long. I've heard of Internet Service Providers suddenly removing customers from their service because they complain to much. Hopefully the same doesn't happen to me >.>
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Postby LanEvoXRacer » Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:59 pm

This whole thing is such a mess. Sue them just for fun then. So all wells that ends well. At least you can gain access again.
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Postby matt13346 » Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:36 pm

I would imagine that you would be pissed. Well, I hope you are very successful in suing them or w/e it is that your doing. Because of their arrogance you almost lost your progress in a test that I could imagine is very important to you.

Not to mention that them blocking you access is both illegal and wrong. Not to mention, that they tried to blame you for what they were doing for you purposely, by saying that it was an error on your end.

Godspeed with your "lawsuit" X
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Postby Gemini » Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:35 pm

WHEEE! I LOVE the smell of Lawsuits in the evening!


Good luck, man. Don't let NOBODY rip you off. That's one of my life rules.
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Postby XHunter » Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:51 am

Well right now I think that we discussed that we are first going to inform the CEO of SBC Yahoo of this incident because usually the Garbage tumbles down the chain of command so hopefully some idiot gets fired for this. Then we will inform the CEO that we don't take kindly to this kind of service that they are giving us and want to know what kind of business they are running were they lock out their customers from websites that they own and manage. And if this occurs again we might start looking for a lawyer to come after them because frankly this is an attack on my freedoms as an American citizen.

And yeah, I was pretty pissed that I almost lost of my progress on my Math Test. If I didn't manage to not close the web browser and wait for the internet to come back up, I would have gotten an automatic F on the test >.>
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Postby AGF-Antoine » Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:43 am

Yea, thats rude of them and I know I would have sued them.

Aside from the fact you guys can get alot of money for it, if it messes with your freedoms and stuff. I am talking alot of money here.

But yea, I wouldn't stay with an internet provider that treats me like that.

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Postby Gemini » Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:27 am

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Postby ZXVanX » Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:28 pm

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Postby matt13346 » Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:21 pm

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Postby XHunter » Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:02 am

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Postby LanEvoXRacer » Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:58 am

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Postby matt13346 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:14 am

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Postby XHunter » Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:14 am

Well legally they would view it as "I downloaded the files illegally, so it doesn't matter if I deleted them or not. I still stole them" Which is true in all honesty. Also at the time when I first got my DSL connection, I didn't have a wireless connection, so if they wanted to, and I tried to say that it was someone using my wireless connection. They could bring in people that knew me at the time to say that I didn't have one at the time I downloaded the files. Of course it would be true since I only recently got myself a Wireless Router (The DGL-4500 Xtreme N Gaming Router) to connect my PSP, DS, and school Laptop up to the internet without having to using a USB signal that hooks up to my computer and runs through my firewall.

I guess at this point since they have fixed the issue and we have contacted the CEO of the company which explained that in a shocked voice that they were going to investigate whats going on and why all of this took place, that I really don't want to stress myself out anymore then I am.

I will say that it is depressing to see something you've worked really hard on over the years get suspended twice in one month and then get your access blocked to it from your ISP.

Edit: We had some more internet issues today, so we contacted them and found out that the DNS server we connect to has been giving several people problems over the past few weeks and they have been working on fixing it since Friday. I guess that's why everything started to go haywire.

Again, I'm going to try and make this week as stress free as I can, so I'm trying to enjoy my summer XD :P
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Postby matt13346 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:44 am

I guess you're right. Well, I hope everything turns to your favor X and just don;t worry about it now I guess and enjoy your summer.
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