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XHunter - Bodies - Finished *Spoilers*

Postby XHunter » Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:25 pm

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Postby Karin.EXE » Sat Dec 23, 2006 5:10 pm

Yay, Bodies! By Drowning Pool! I LOVE that song!

But that doesn't mean I won't critizise you xP

Anyway, for a preview, it was nice. I liked the beggining, so calm... And the rewinding part was good too. But when it started the "FLOOOOR!!" part, then it had a few problems. Since I knew the song, I expected a bit of more flow of the image with the guitar, which is an important thing of the song itself, you can't let that alone, you can add some effects on it~

The sync was quite fine, specially the rewinding part, it really catched my attention. If you keep working as it is, you'll do great, but try to underline all the music, the better you get in touch with it, the better it is for the people watching!

I'll wait for the complete version for a full critic of this : D
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Postby XHunter » Sat Dec 23, 2006 5:26 pm

Adding effects into the part where the scream is "FLOOOOR!!", harms the emotional feel of pain you get from rockman at that point in the song. You wouldn't get the idea that Rockman is struggling with something inside himself (point to near the end with beastout and dark rockman) and that it is causing him pain.

Remember that using to many effects can harm the AMV.

lol I guess I put a little to much thought into making it ^.^" besides, effects isn't everything. :P but thanks for the comment. so far the only thing I can see that I need to fix is the lip sync with dark rockman
Last edited by XHunter on Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Karin.EXE » Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:00 pm

I didn't say that you MUST add an effect on it, but you can use it if you wish... I would like to know how does it look with something on it, because I know that that scene has Rockman suffering, but I just see it too blank, taking in count it's an screaming part... My suggestion was that you add something to make it show off that suffering, that pain.

Also take in count, I'm not a Rockman EXE anime watcher, so I can't know how much dramatic this scene is. Take this as a non-related-to-the-anime-person comment, eh, maybe it can help since I have a different point of view, but that's up to you...
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Postby Frank Scaefer » Sun Dec 24, 2006 4:36 am

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Postby XHunter » Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:03 am

[ Preview Updated ]

First off, I would like to apologize for everyone waiting for this AMV to be finished, I have been busy lately with the site, school, and looking for a job to pay for college, that I've had almost no time to finish this work.

Well I've gotten past the Lip sync part, which is good because now I can focus on the rest of the AMV.

First off, I took three different screenshots of Dark Rockman Talking.

1. Mouth Shut
2. Mouth Halfway Open
3. Mouth all the way Open

this made the lip sync better but there was something missing.

In the clip with Dark Rockman talking in the capsule. The display of him is fuzzy.

well in the screen shots the fuzzy doesn't move like it dose in the video.

So what I did was, add another layer above the images and placed the actual video of Dark Rockman talking above it with a cookie cutter cutting out his mouth area so that the mouth images below it are shown, but the mouth from the video is not.

the results can be seen in the Video Life preview update.


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Postby AGF-Antoine » Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:38 am

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Postby XHunter » Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:45 pm

Well like I said in my update post, that I haven't had time to work on this much. And yes I know about the off sync clips at 01:14 and 0:42. hints why I am still working on this AMV. Don't worry AGF.. I'm not rushing this and see what needs to be fixed... :P

that and I've only made one AMV after Hell and that was Snake Eyes, and Snake Eyes wasn't suppost to be better then Hell or Tourniquet.
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Postby AGF-Antoine » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:45 am

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Postby Karin.EXE » Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:56 am

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Postby XHunter » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:27 pm

I would have to disagree with you Karin.EXE. The AMV is synced but with the music as well at the lyrics.

The first part of the song with the screaming is of course, synced up to the footage of rockman screaming (its pretty obvious that he is screaming), and I did it this way because the screaming stands out, so leaving the screaming footage out would look awkward ( you hear screaming (the effect) but you don't see what is causing it)

After the scream is over the footage is synced up to the changing of the cords of the guitar and of the drum beats. (my favorite part so far)

This part of the song are here

Beaten why for
Can't take much more

has the same rhythm and beat (2 second tempo), so there is not much to sync to the music here and the lyrics in this part of the song give you much more detail and room to mess around with.

And I used this same method in both Hell and in Tourniquet.

Because if you have noticed with all songs there is times when the lyrics stand out more then the music and when the music stands out more then the lyrics.

Its up to me to take advantage of the music and the lyrics, to fit my music video better.

Now this part here.

One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me

One - Something's got to give
Two - Something's got to give
Three - Something's got to give

The lyrics stand out just a little more then the music, but in the part that follows


Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

The music stands out more.

In the preview I should so far, I haven't even made it to the chorus which is were the AMV starts to really pick up.

You see Karin.EXE, you have to learn to not just focus on one thing like Lyrics or Musical Beat, but to focus on both of them and guide them to create the shape of your AMV.

See I think both you and AGF are focusing to much on effects and the music and not enough on the bigger picture.

You can't just stick random clips together and add cool effects, which I think a lot of people on this forum over use to create their AMV. You have to have a plan and a idea of what you want to do and of course a theme and you have to stick with it.

personally I can do without fancy effects, because I learned that effects don't make your AMV, the sync and the everything else dose.

Remember, I learned how to make AMVs with Windows Movie Maker and got the concept down before I ever moved to a expert program like Vegas, which a lot of people now are skipping the basics of AMVs and moving right onto fancy effects without learning when and how to use them.

So what we end up having is a bunch of AMVs with effects bombarded at us thought out the whole thing with no point what so ever.
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Postby AGF-Antoine » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:38 pm

Last edited by AGF-Antoine on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Shadowmega » Wed Jan 10, 2007 5:36 pm

Man XHunter, you got me wonder how this is going to turn up. This a very good preview.
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Postby BladeBass99 » Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:23 pm

My little brother saw the preview without my permission. I found him knocked out. Right now he has temporary memory loss.

Sorry! Way off topic.

I think it is an awesome preview. Keep up the good work. (Try to be careful next time. OK?)

Click on Shadow to go to my Youtube channel.
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Postby NeoX » Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:14 pm

the beginning is very successful and the music seems to give a good intence moment ! ....So I just wait the final version... For more comment ! ;)

Good luck for finishing it X !
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