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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - Yang EXE: Somewhere He Belongs <FV> *Complete* *Spoile
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Yang EXE: Somewhere He Belongs <FV> *Complete* *Spoile

Yang EXE: Somewhere He Belongs <FV> *Complete* *Spoile

Postby Gemini » Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:49 am

Name: Somewhere He Belongs FV
Song: Somewehere I Belong
Artist: Linkin Park
Footage: ZX, EXE, AXESS, Stream, Movie, EXE3 Commercial
Version: FV (Final Version)


I'm still new to WMM, so I can't do anything too special right now. Ambience was a bust, WMM ran into problems and erased all the data for it, so... anyway, as I said, I can't do anything real good yet, but I'm trying.
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Ev1l3st Tr(_)st3d M3mb3r
Ev1l3st Tr(_)st3d M3mb3r
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Postby Lok » Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:24 pm

you syncr well at the start of the music, i think it fits the music(although it looks like you just let the clips go)

then at 00:24, the music changes to a "higher beat" and you changed to a shademan fighting scene, you have showed your improvement but isn't it a rockman tribute? why shademan vs laserman scenes appeared?

from 00:42, another let-the-clips-go problem appeared, it seems that you just let the enzan vs netto clips go, like the enzan and netto talking scene, they are too long and it is boring to see them talking for such long time
another advise: talking scenes should not longer than 1 second

00:47, you need to remove the pop up picture, there are more problem like this in the amv, so find it out and fix them.

at the end of the amv, i don't see the point of doing overlay scenes, it messed up everything.

IMO, you made an AMV TOO FAST, If you keep making amv like this, you'll never make a good amv. so please try to spent more time on every amv, you'll see the different, and try to match every beat and please try to fix your "let-the-clips-go" problem. i know it needs plenty of time to do it but it is worth.

anyway, at least i see a little improvement on your last amv.

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Postby AXMAN11224 » Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:27 am

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Postby Gemini » Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:27 am

Hmm... I've seen AMVs done with WMM, but I'm still trying to learn all the effects and transitions, I've only scratched the surface on what it can do... once I fully figure WMM out, I'm sure I'll have a pretty nice AMV. I'm gonna try an AMV with a slow pace now... if that's even possible with Rockman.
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Ev1l3st Tr(_)st3d M3mb3r
Ev1l3st Tr(_)st3d M3mb3r
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