Well here's my schedule if any cares to know:
Mon - Friday: School from 7:45am - 2:15pm
TBA: To be announced...
Monday: 4pm - 8pm (Work)
-Available before and after work hours-
Tuesday: 2:15pm - 3:30pm (Art Club) (Off of Work)
Wednesday: 4pm - 8pm (Work, sometimes off)
-Available before and after work hours-
Thursday: 4pm - 8pm (Work)
-Available before and after work hours-
Friday: 4pm - 8pm (Work, sometimes off)
-Available before and after work hours-
Saturday: Work (Hours TBA)
-Available before and after work hours-
Sunday: Work (Hours TBA, sometimes off)
-Available before and after work hours-
When I'm on the computer, I'm signed on MSN, AIM, and Yahoo IM all at once, so feel free to IM me if needed of if you just want to chat