the following happens after nekotwins story
subaru: what is it warock

< seeing warock get hugd by nekotwin> owarock: < with real high voice> subaru help me. cant breath.
subaru: let him go nekotwin
nekotwin: oke < lets warock loose>
subara:< shouts> warock everything oke
warock:< hardly breathing> do i look oke.
me:< seeing nekotwin jumping to hug subaru> subaru look out.
subaru: <sees nekotwin and jumps aside> warock denpa hakan.
rockman< throwing a battle chip and shouting> gattling gun.
nekotwin: < jumping away and comes behind rockman and hugs him>
rockman: can't breathe.
me: jumping to rockman and kicks nekotwin in the nuts>

then faints.
rockman and me: <running away before he gets alive again.
10 min later.
nekotwin: < standing up and shouts really angry> i will get you for this WAROCK