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The Rockman Anime Music Video Station • View topic - Like, beurgajeidhfkiea!!! A lot has happened around here! =O
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Like, beurgajeidhfkiea!!! A lot has happened around here! =O

Like, beurgajeidhfkiea!!! A lot has happened around here! =O

Postby Finalzidane-X » Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:01 pm

Wow, big changes during my abscence! Well, all for the common good and the sake of puppies. =D

Most people already do know me, but I´ll introduce myself as I like to do for those that have no idea who I am.

Finalzidane-X is the name, I used to me in the first version of the forum. X-Hunter is one of my friends, but my time to spend in the AMV station was like severed with school duties... damn them!

But finally I am finding the time to slip in, and return to the AMV station. And the place has just become better and better, and all I can say is "Nice job X! I knew you could do it! =D"

More information about myself... I am male, 19 years old, and studying Computer Science. I love Gaming, Anime, TV, Cartoons, Manga, Books, Music, Movies, Food, and your love.

My favorite Animes are Rockman.Exe, Rockman.Exe Axess, Rockman.Exe Stream, Rockman.Exe Beast, Rockman.Exe Beast +, Ryusei no Rockman, Shojo Kakumei Utena, Hellsing, Doraemon, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Half, Scrapped Princess, Excel Saga, Bt´X, and a couple more I need to recall.

In the gaming field, my preferences are RPG, Action, Platforming, Survival horror and Fighting, as the following favorites show, as Rockman, Rockman X, Rockman Dash, Rockman Zero, Rockman ZX, Rockman.Exe, Ryusei no Rockman, Castlevania, Xenosaga, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei, Tales of..., Guilty Gear, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Capcom VS series, etc.

Other of my hobbies besides Internet, is art. If you click the Fall Out Boy Happy Tree Friends icon in my sig, you can go directly to my DeviantART page, in where most of my art is going lately. Check it out if you have the chance! =D

Well, that would be all to avoid making this introduction longer than anticipated, so I am glad to be back, nice to re-meet you all. =D
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Postby AGF-Antoine » Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:36 pm

Good to have you back Finalzidane-X.

I'm quite glad you have returned to us, since the community is becoming a bit quiet. I'm sure your influence will help changing that :lol:

Well, you should still know that I am AGF-Antoine.
And I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay :wink:
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Postby Finalzidane-X » Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:38 pm

Yeah, I know you girl. =D Have you been feeding your Animegirls properly? XD
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Postby OMEGA » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:21 pm

yeah I remember you, you were an Admin if I recall correctly XD. Anyway I´m OMEGA, welcome back to the AMV Station, enjoy your stay and update yourself in the forum LOL
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Postby XHunter » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:58 pm

ZOMG... Final-X is back *glomps* lol things are going to become whacky around here now ^.^. Welcome back buddy
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Postby matt13346 » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:58 pm

hey, I'm one of the "newer" members you can say, since I probably joined during your absence. You can call me Matt, like every1 else here does. I see you like a number of games/animes. Thats great, gives all more of something in common XD.

A little abut myself:

I'm an amv maker, maybe not as good as those here that go vegas crazy, but when it comes to using WMM and WMM editing, I'm a pro...prob one of the best XD *rubs nose*

Also, I'm an artist. I got 2 topics up in the art gallery. One's for my character/lineart. I mostly draw either my characters or my sonic styled characters. My Second topic features my Little comic series "Kento's Curiosity" that seems to be gettin famous here at RAMV as well as Deviant art.

Well, It's nice to see you and hoepfully you'll become more and more active. Feel free to check out my art, especially Kento's Curiosity XD.

C ya around!!
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Postby Finalzidane-X » Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:13 pm

Ah, quite a nice lad from the days of old here! Glad to see you! =D

*Glee, glomps, touchy and feely, giggly, rapey, giggle, smokey* Indeed, glad to see you´re still in your jolly mood. =D

OMG! DEVIANTART GALLERY! *checks* Thanks for the welcoming! =D
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Postby Lady XZ » Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:54 pm

Hello there I'm Lady XZ and welcome back to the forums ^^. I could say the same for me since I also haven't been here in a while myself ^^'. I'm trying to come when I can =] (and yeah school has kept me busy as well).

I don't think we have met, but your name sounds familiar.

Anyways hope you enjoy your stay. ^-^

Last edited by Lady XZ on Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby KingForte » Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:07 pm

Hey! I know you! I remember you from the old forums if you even remember who I am >_> Probly not. But hey Welcome back! Hmmm you have a dA.... -watches you- (Im MizukiHaramateka if you wonder about the random watch) Glad to see you back and hope you stay this time ^_^

EDIT: Your page is being weird and not loading for some reason. I'll find ya somehow.

EDIT 2: Nevermind. It was dA not working. I got you -watches-
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Postby Lok » Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:46 pm

Hi FinalZidane-X. i think i saw you in the older forum but most probably i think you don't know me. Im Lok and welcome back to the forum. Great to have active member like you so te forum won't be that quiet >_>

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Postby DarkShadowSoul » Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:43 am


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Postby Finalzidane-X » Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:58 am

AH! PEOPLE! *grabs mighty mallet* BACK! STAY BACK! Mmmmm.... Ice cream...... ACK! MY BRAIN IS FREEZING!!!! *faints*

Nice to see people welcoming me. =D Gladd to meet you, and OMG! DarkShadowSoul! *glomps, sniffs, licks* I know him as well. *Humps a leg over to his hand´s reach.* Only men know how to make each other feel good. =D
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Postby LanEvoXRacer » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:00 am

Hey Finalzidane-X, I'm LanEvoXRacer, you can just call me Michael.

You look so familiar at start (um... the avatar), then visited exehq.com and saw the same one, so yeah, that's where remember you from. You made like 5500 posts there. You must be really popular huh, just like XHunter. Anyway, i'm new, didn't see you before, so glad to have you back.
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Postby Finalzidane-X » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:05 am

Well, I got a head start than XHunter, been in the HQ for almost 4 years now. And I met X-Hunter around year 2. And about the posts, add other 7000 posts from the previous versions of the EXEHQ forum, and it makes about 12000 posts, but enough with the numbers. I´m pretty old, k? =D Nice to meet you. =D
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Postby DarkShadowSoul » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:05 pm

Nice one Final XD.

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